In a dramatic moment caught on camera, a stranded mama giant and her shin were saved from a golf course drain after stagers revived the unconscious elephant with CPR. Heavy rains and muddy roads aren’t just dangerous for humans but also for wild creatures travelling in the wild during the thunderstorm.
The giant’s one- time-old shin had slipped into a concrete drain at a golf course during thunderstorm rains in Thailand’s Nakhon Nayok fiefdom. The worried mama refused to leave her shin’s side, but also fell in shortly after she was sedated. It was impossible to get near the baby while the mama was hard so we gave her three boluses of tranquillisers but she moved towards her baby before passing out and hit her head.
A veterinarian, public demesne staff and levies sprung into action to perform CPR on the beast in an attempt to resuscitate her. saviors used a truck- mounted smash lift to pull the mama out before climbing on top of her to perform contemporaneous cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR). Meanwhile the digger cleared down earth so the anxious shin could climb out from the slippery slush. The shin began suckling its mama , which soon recaptured knowledge, and both were suitable to return to the wild.