How we can avoid cardiovascular diseases

The cardiovascular diseases are on the rise, and diet and a disorderly lifestyle are just a few of the risk factors that can lead to these diseases. Here’s how you [...]

The cardiovascular diseases are on the rise, and diet and a disorderly lifestyle are just a few of the risk factors that can lead to these diseases. Here’s how you can protect your heart!

How can we avoid cardiovascular diseases?

A balanced lifestyle means a better health. That’s why adopting a healthy diet, getting the right information about the foods we eat and introducing the sport into our daily schedule is the first step towards a healthy heart.

How dangerous are these diseases?

Cardiovascular diseases are most dangerous for our life. If it does not kill us, it causes physical, social and financial disability. The bad news is that the percentage of people with cardiac problems is rising, and the risk factors are increasing each day.

What are the first changes we need to do?

Adopting a balanced lifestyle mean, first of all, adopting a healthy diet. People have to replace saturated fat with fat-free foods, reduce salt intake, hydrate properly, and reduce sweets.

Which is the easiest way to keep us healthy?

Climbing stairs, instead of using the lift, dancing, gardening, and playing dynamic games with children or grandchildren, can be as effective as exercise at the gym. They may even be healthier because if you are not used to going to the gym, the intense exercises can have harmful effects on your heart and blood vessels.

Is walking really effective?

Walking is free, simple and convenient. It helps keep your heart healthy up to 90 years old and more. Experts say that 10,000 daily steps represent the optimal figure. This means about an hour and a half of slow-walking a day. Sedentary people make an average of 3,000 steps a day, and people who spend a lot of time in the office make 6,000 steps a day or even less.

Take care of your heart today. Start walking more, drink plenty of water and watch your diet. 

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