Everyone knows that exercise is excellent for your heart, so the recent news that over-exercising might cause artery blockage may have surprised some.
Very active persons have greater coronary artery calcium (CAC) scores than less active people, according to the study, which was widely publicised in the media. The calcium content of the walls of the coronary arteries, which feed blood and thus oxygen to the heart muscle, is measured by the CAC score.
Because the presence of calcium in the coronary arteries is a warning that there may also be a buildup of plaque, known as atheroscle, an increase in calcium in the coronary arteries may raise a person’s chance of suffering a heart attack.
The risk factors for heart disease include:
• Genetics
• Diabetes, Obesity, High blood pressure, High cholesterol
• Smoking
• Lack of physical activity and adequate sleep
• Stress and depression
• Family history of heart disease
The advantages of exercise are undeniable

The researchers, on the other hand, found no link between increased coronary artery calcium scores as a result of exercise and cardiovascular “events” like heart attack or stroke. As a result, headlines claiming that exercise “increases the risk of heart attack” are both inaccurate and harmful. Indeed, the researchers caution against making such a leap of faith. They conclude: “The cardiovascular benefits of physical activity are unquestionable.”
Diet and Lifestyle changes for a healthy heart
- According to the American Heart Association, cholesterol check-ups should be done every 5 years after the age of 20.
- People who exercise or are physically active survive more in case of heart attack than those who are not active. Eat healthy diet and lose weight if you are overweight.
- Healthy diet is constantly emphasised in Ayurveda, as is keeping track of your dosha imbalances. Fried food, junk food, high-carbohydrate, high-cholesterol-containing foods, and so on will harm your heart and raise the risk of a heart-related issue.
- The presence of arterial plaque, also known as ama, raises the risk of blood flow constriction towards the heart, also known as coronary circulation. A diet low in Kapha energy can help reduce the ama and thus heart health.
- Do simple exercises like brisk walk, use of stairs instead of the lift. Swimming is another exercise which is mostly neglected but it is very helpful in shedding the extra pounds and tones the body. Physical activities like dancing or even doing domestic chores are excellent workouts. Persisting with these activities will increase your energy levels, keep your heart healthy and transform your physique.